At the THotel, Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy)
from June 10th till September 12th, 2010

Continuing the cultural events that Cagliari THotel’s management has chosen to offer his clientele and all visitors of Sardinia chieftown, the new exhibition CONTENITORI al T (Containers at T) has recently been opened in the vast hotel’s hall. Over 60 among designers, artists and craftsmen have been invited to create ex-novo – and with no limits of dimensions, materials and typologies – one or more objects devoted to conserve, contain and take anything.
Pierluigi Piu presented EX LIBRIS, a centrepiece tower shelf - accurately executed by ironsmith master Pierpaolo Ziranu - where each container for books is obtained cutting out and folding a single sheet of iron and than stacked on top of each other – while rotating them 90° at each step – within a prismatic volume determined only by a thin square profile marking out its edges. The containers’ outer faces combine reciprocally originating overhangs, further shelves and open volumes to be utilized in absolute freedom to contain, apart from books, objects and all kind of memories. Each part of the shelf – which can also be enlarged by coupling it with other similar units – keeps its original calamine patina and is wax finished.