

AZ.Awards 2015 - Canada

The  international  jury  panel  of  the "AZ.Awards 2015" - a  contest  promoted by the prestigious Canadian architectural magazine AZURE - has selected 64 finalists out of over 720 entries  coming  from  43 different  countries. Among these is the project HOUSE ALONG SARDINIA's COASTLINE,  which - together with three others only - is competing for the prizes ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP AWARD and SOCIAL GOOD AWARD, in the INTERIORS-RESIDENTIAL category. The same project is also competing for the People's Choice Award (anybody may vote his favourite project on awards.azuremagazine.com, between April 9th and May 8th 2015). Winners will be announced on June 19th 2015, at the AZ AWARDS gala presentation, taking place at the Evergreen Brick Works, in Toronto (Canada)

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AZ.Awards 2015 - Canada